Sunday, April 25, 2010

Craniosacral Therapy

I just got back from my first training. Two more to go. It is very confusing as it is a whole new way of looking at the body. In massage I was trained to be aggressive but in Cranio I'm trained to be light and patient. I have a couple of things I need to work on. Oh boy! I'll get back to you later this week on details of my training.


  1. I've always believed light and patient is a better way to go. My ex needed deep aggressive massage which was not easy for me. I think each patient needs something different and listening and feeling how the body responds is more important than any single method that can be taught.

  2. It's always nice to offer different types of massage. Some people like it deep and others like it light. Thanks for the comment.
    I will continue to learn to offer the best massage I can to the public.
