Sunday, June 20, 2010

Give your dreams a chance

Sometimes when we dream, we try so hard to make the dream come true we miss our goal. We don't wait until the dream has a chance to evolve and come true. We force the situation and fall short of the final goal. That's when we should learn to give the dream a chance and give it to God. God will take good care of it and lead you down the road of hope. If you listen, the truth will be told to you. Listen to your own gut and do what it is telling you. God will tell you to move in the direction you are hoping for or he will put a bad feeling in your heart and that is when we need to listen and let God and go in the direction he is leading us. If God puts you down a path you are unsure of, it is probably because his plan is better than yours. So go ahead, listen to your heart and follow your dreams and Gods plan for you. God is always on your side.

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