Thursday, April 28, 2011

Protecting our water

There are many ways to protect our planet and our water supply.  Many ideas seem too simple to pass by.  Here are a few.
Join your local clean-up day for your ocean, stream, lake or river.  This is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get a little exercise too.  Take a friend or two along and have a day with friends while doing to the world some good.
Take a few minutes off your shower time.  If you shave in the shower, shut the water off while you shave.  Next time you go to the gym, bring your own towel to cut down waste at the gym.  Shut the water off while you bruch your teeth.  Shut the water off while you wash the dishes.  Rinse the dishes after you have washed all of them.
Levi's has a new water-less rigid-finish jean that uses 96 percent less water to produce.  Regular jeans are washed 3 -10 times before you see them in the store.
Give a gift of clean water at Water Aid's shop online.  For $30 you can buy a villager in Africa, Asia or the Pacific clean water for life.  $50 will buy four faucets for a village.  Visit
Take a vacation and vounteer to help scientists measure the impact of climate change on glacier-capped mountains.  You can also survey tropical reefs through organizations like Earthwatch institute or Reef Check.,
Go organic when you buy cotton.  Cotton is farmed with pesticides and it pollutes our waterways.  American Apparell has some cotton choices for you to stay in style with organic cotton.

These are just a few of the many ways to save our planet and our water supply.  Let us know if you have more information on saving this planet.

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