Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A better way to celebrate Easter? The healthy way...

Do you love Peanut Butter Cups?  Well, so do I!  Let's try this.  Sun Cups Sunflower Butter Dark Chocolate. Why?  Because it is  packed with antioxidants and their sunflower butter contains stress-easingf magnesium and skin-softening vitamin E.  Check your whole foods market or go to naturalcandystore.com and eat it up!

Jelly Beans?  What is Easter without them?  Surf Sweets Organic Jelly Beans has 100 percent of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is proven to help regulate the body's production of cortisol.  Cortisol is a stress hormone linked to belly fat storage.  Let's go for it!  Again, find it at  naturalcandystore.com or your whole foods store.

Cherry Licorice.  Who does not like cherry licorice?  I thought it was a year-round treat.  I certainly don't save it for Easter.  How about Panda All-Natural Cherry Licorice.  These yummy treats are made with real licorice extract which boost endurance and lower stress.  It also contains glycyrrhetinic acid with reduces body fat.  Go ahead and grab some at your nest trip to your whole foods store.  Amazon.com will also help you with this.

Looks like Amazon.com is a great place to find all of this!

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