Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why I do Yoga...

My first time doing yoga was scary.  I couldn't figure out how muscles grow without weights.  Then I found out it wasn't material weights that kept you strong.  It's your own weight!  So then I went on a crash diet (just kidding)...
Yoga showed me how inflexible I was becoming as I age.  I no longer could do the splits or flip into back bends.  I had become totally lost in my journey of aging.  How could these tight, inflexible joints be mine?  I had been working out all of my life?  Well,  I guess you need to do that bad word....stretch!!!  So, I found a yoga class to go to.  At the end of that class they actually took some time to just lay there in a pose called corpse.  I could actually do that pose with no difficulty!!!  Then I remembered back to the last time I got to take a nap on the floor.  I believe I was in kindergarten.  I forgot how great it felt to lay still in the middle of the afternoon or at the beginning or end of my day.  I made a commitment to do this at least once a week.  Well, then it became a little obsession and I had to do yoga everyday.  Just to get to corpse pose.
Today, I feel good, my attitude is good for the most part, confidence has finally landed in my mind, I don't eat the bad stuff I used to love, my body is in great shape, I respond to the world with much more gratitude...etc. etc. etc....
Let's do yoga!

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