Tuesday, May 21, 2013

doTerra Sunburn Soother

doTerra Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) is great for adding moisture to scorched skin.  Add 15 drops of doTERRA essential oil to 2 ounces of FCO in a container and mix.  Apply frequently to sunburned skin.

Recommended oils:

Lavender (item no. 3011)
Melaleuca (item no. 3015)
Roman Chamomile (item no. 3080)


Make Your Own Ultra Moisturizing Natural Sunscreen

Ultra Moisturizing Natural Sunscreen

1/2 cup Olive oil
1/4 cup doTERRA Fractionated Coconut oil
1/4 cup besswax
2 tablespoons zinc oxide
1 teaspoon vitamin E
2 tablespoons shea butter
12 drops doTERRA Helichrysum essential oil

 Directions: Add everything except zinc oxide in a medium sized glass mixing bowl. Fill a medium sauce pan with a couple inches of water and place over meduim heat. Place th...e glass bowl on top of the saucepan so that the saucepan is cradling the bowl. As the ingredients start to melt, stir occasionally to mix. when all ingredients are completely incorporated, add the sinc oxide and stir well to mix. Pour into a pint-sized tin or mason jar and store in a cool place. Use with in six months.
